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Communication, PR, advertising, management & business development – as a marketer, Brand Manager, consultant, head of marketing and PR department.

I can help solve your challenges where my creativity, management experience and passion for start-up ventures will be mutually beneficial.

contact info:
Skype: Klaudiusz Mediapro.co

We are the first tv station that is all about health for broad audience

Privilege of digital television is no longer reserved exclusively for subscribers of pay satellite and cable platforms.

As of September 30th, 2010 first Poles can benefit from access to free digital television which offers good quality video and audio and broader portfolio of channels than analog did. Total switch-off of analog transmitters is planned till 31.07.2013.

However, more than two years before the date of completing digitalization, the state of knowledge about the process amongst Poles, raises concerns.

To date, 46% of viewers have access to channels from multiplexes (MUX-2 and MUX-3). The situation will improve in the second half of this year. Since mid-July, before schedule, transmission stations of MUX 2, are gradually broadening the reach all over Poland. Until 31/07/2011 it will be a test transmission, after that will go into regular broadcasting and cover 87 percent of population. Eventually - by the end of December 2013 - 97% of Poles will have access to digital terrestrial television. This means the possibility of free access to over 20 Polish TV channels in digital quality. It is an only such broad offer on the Polish market, which does not require any contracts or fixed fees.

Click to read full article.

Delay in digitalization process hits the wallets of viewers.

On July 15th President of Poland signed the Broadcasting Act on the implementation of digital terrestrial television. It is hightime Poles learn about DTT and not just those who track news.

Thinking about them, mid-July, a nationwide information campaign was launched. With nine spots - currently we can see the first one - we will be encouraged firstly to digital television, and then informed about the switch-off of analog transmitters. The campaign is expected to last 2 years, that is until turning off of the analog transmitters and the transition to terrestrial digital TV signal, which is to take place no later than 31st July 2013.

Delays in the implementation of DTT in our country are big and they hit wallets of viewers and broadcasters alike. But most of all the group which uses the cheapest paytv packages. Free offer of several Polish channels in digital, high picture and sound quality will certainly constitute a serious competition. Viewers will be faced with a choice - pay a monthly rate or have a portfolio of free channels, in individual cases bearing one-off expenditure to adapt older TV set to receive DTT.

Click to read full article.